Maybe dreadful pitching is called that way for a reason.
Let’s picture you’re presenting a potential commercial district to a prospective buyer. All the data is valid, the price is fair enough, but your clients are still furrowing their brows and squinting their eyes. About the rest contains too much pressure to describe.
But not so long ago, we learned that a pitch deck can be like enjoying the sunset in Labuan Bajo.
Remember our last topic about the Korean Japan Town project? Let’s examine deeper on how it can successfully attract a dealment!
Keep up with the story here. Project’s Success with A Magnetic Visual.
In that story, we believe that a dynamic masterplan animation can rescue you from the pitching loss. Because the presentation is your client’s first impression of you.
Too much information can overwhelm your clients, making it harder for them to focus on key selling points. A well-crafted visualization can help them envision the future which leads them to become attached to your project collaboration.
Studies show people often buy based on emotion rather than need. This is called “sunk cost fallacy”, where people continue investing something they’ve already invested. Their investment doesn’t have to be money, but their time, effort, and emotion.
For example, when you present a compelling visual, it can create an emotional connection as they’ve invested time in viewing it. Then your clients give their effort to start imagining their future success with your project. It makes them more likely to “ignore” the budget concerns, because they already feel invested in the vision.
We see investing in high-quality visualizations for pitching can lead you to long-term success. Yet to find the right visual partner who understands your vision and fits your timeline can be a challenge. We get it.
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